Prostate Protection Review: Does it Work?

Expert Rating: 4.0/10

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300 voted

Prostate Protection is a prostate and dietary supplement that is designed to be regulate and promote healthy prostate size and function. The product states that it works to also promote healthy digestions and target the GI tract and reproductive system.

The product states that its intention is to promote a more holistic approach to prostate health by utilizing ingredients that are common in Ayurvedic medicines, and therefore utilizes and starkly different formula than most prostate supplements. Finding the right prostate supplement can be a difficult task, so simplify it by viewing out expert’s top 10 prostate supplements available now.

Prostate Protection Review

The official website for Prostate Protection sells the product for $21.95 plus shipping and handling for a bottle that contains 60 tablets and suggests that users take two tablets a day. Therefore, each bottle should be a monthly supply. The site does not appear to offer any free trials or money back guarantees, so users who find the product to be ineffective will have little recourse.

Here are some of the main ingredients that are used in Prostate Protection:

Iron: A mineral that is needed for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body It has a variety of uses, such as addressing anemia, ADHD, canker sores, depression, fatigue, and Chron’s disease.

Unfortunately, there is not clinical research currently suggesting that Iron has any relation to the proper function of the prostate or the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.


  • Product website is informative and easy to understand, offering explanations of ingredients and pricing.


  • Nearly all of the ingredients that are included have not been shown clinically to be effective in treating prostate issues.

Follow this link to inform yourself about what the best prostate supplements on that market are now via a top 10 list.

Tribulus Extract: A plant whose fruit, leaf, and root are all used as medicines for a number of different maladies. It is primarily used for kidney problems, such as kidney stones, painful urination, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and anemia.

Aside from the fact that it may help with painful urination, this ingredient also has no real established connection to the prostate, and it is unclear as to why it was included.

Sandalwood: Derived from an evergreen tree, the oil of which is used to make medicine. It is often used for treating issues such as the common cold, cough, fever, bronchitis, and a sore throat. Additionally, it can be used to address urinary tract infections, gallbladder problems, heatstroke, and cardiovascular disease.

While treating urinary tract infections and gallbladder problems can be somewhat related to issues related to the prostate, they are tenuous at best, and this ingredient has no direct connection to prostate health.

Turmeric: A spice that is derived from the turmeric plant and it often used as flavoring in Asian food. It can be used to treat arthritis, joint pain, Chron’s disease, diarrhea, stomach bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and some forms of inflammation. Additionally, it can also be helpful in treating bronchitis, menstrual problems, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.

While turmeric definitely has its fair share of uses, none of them seem to directly correlate to the prostate of symptoms of an unhealthy prostate. Its inclusion in this product is unclear.

Licorice Root: An herb that is native to the Mediterranean, and parts of Russia, though it is now grown throughout Europe. It is often taken by mouth for various digestive issues, such as stomach ulcers, colic, and inflammation in the lining of the stomach. Additionally, it can also be used to treat a sore throat, cough, or bronchitis.

It can also be helpful in the regulation of the adrenal glands, but there is no clinical research to suggest that it is related in any way to the health of prostate.

Click here to view what out group of review experts determined to be the best prostate supplements on the market.

  • Effectiveness 4.9/5
  • Consumer reviews 3.6/5
  • Quality of ingredients 4.3/5
  • Cost 3.9/5
  • Money Back 4.8/5
  • Overall Rating 4.3/5


The official company behind Prostate Protections goes by the name VPK by Maharishi Ayurveda. They are based out of Fairfield, Iowa and produce several different Ayurvedic supplements. Their site does offer clear contact information for consumers that may have questions or concerns, but they do not appear to maintain a page with the better business bureau.

There do not appear to be and free trials or money back guarantees that are offered by the company, although by creating an account with the site you can save 10% off of at least your first purchase. Furthermore, it appears that there have been no lawsuits or legislation that they company has been involved in recently.

Learn more about what makes an effective prostate supplement by viewing our top 10 supplements available now.

EDITOR'S TIP: Check our list of approved prostate supplements to make a right purchase decision!


As mentioned, because this is an Ayurvedic product, the ingredients list is much different than you would typically find a standard prostate supplement. It does contain zinc, which can be helpful in maintaining good prostate health, but beyond that, there is practically nothing that is included within the formula that has any significant clinical research backing it up as an effective for treating symptoms of an unhealthy prostate.

The price is relatively affordable, but when you consider what you are actually paying for, it becomes less of a bargain. There are several ingredients included that could potentially benefit the body in other ways, but for those who are seeking relief from an unhealthy prostate and the symptoms that come along with it, will likely find themselves disappointed in the effectiveness. Some of the ingredients could possibly work as an anti-inflammatory which has the potential to be beneficial for prostate health, but that is just one aspect of an unhealthy prostate, and this product doesn’t provide any significant relieve in any other ways. There are currently dozens of other prostate supplements on the market that would be more effective than Prostate Protection. Don’t waste your money on prostate supplements that don’t work, instead click here for the top 10 prostate supplements on the market.

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